Relief Coalition for Burma
A growing network of humanitarian agencies that provide emergency relief to the most vulnerable of Myanmar (Burma)
RC4B’s Mission is to…
Feed 500,000 people in civil conflicts for 6 months.
Start 3 teams of Quick Reaction Forces led by U.S. veterans to quickly extract children and others out of human-trafficking and safe houses for those fleeing trafficking and war.
Provide Medical supplies and care to 200,000 victims of war in Burma (Myanmar).
Provide Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH) for 100,000 displaced people
Shelter 150,000 Internally Displaced People in 20 camps in safe zones inside Myanmar.
Assist 50,000 households in Livelihood Restoration for those fleeing conflicts in Burma.
Deliver an Informal Education Program to educate 100,000 children per year for the next 3 years.
Will you join us?
Over 310,000 beneficiaries
Impacted through our efforts.
We are making an impact.
Our coalition is currently feeding 25,000 Burmese per month
We have provided clean water to roughly 365,000 people.
We have provided medical care to 56,000 in the past 5 years
We have rescued 50 victims of human trafficking